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Steelbuilt supplies over 50 different kit home designs in Queensland that are open for customisation and adjustments. Kit homes are convenient and practical due to the following reasons:
- Easy installation which cuts construction time
- Good for most blocks of land
- Has many pre-made designs and floor plans
- More affordable than constructing a traditional house
When you decide to choose a kit home for your new house, you’ll save yourself from so much trouble and time-consuming tasks. Should you plan on availing a kit home from Steelbuilt Australia? Here are some tips to help you find the right kit home for you.
#1 Plan the number of rooms and amenities
One of the most important things to do before buying a kit home is to settle the number of rooms you want for your house. Here at Steelbuilt Australia, we categorized our kit homes based on the number of bedrooms. Therefore, you’ll want to have an idea of how many bedrooms your family will need for the new house. It is also good to plan if you want a patio or verandah, laundry area, multiple water closets, and other amenities for your kit home. When you have the numbers in mind, you’ll find it easier to browse our online list.
#2 Try to adapt to the common house designs in your area
If you’ll look over our plans of kit home, you’ll realize that there are lots of exterior designs available. We have classical bungalow style, ranch style, and more contemporary styles of the home exterior.
Some residential areas follow a strict rule for the facade’s appearance. Although you’ll want to have a sense of freedom in designing your property, going against the conventional can make your facade stand out. Attracting people’s attention is often more of a nuisance than helpful. Thus, after filtering your choices based on the requirements for room and spaces, the next thing to do is find the design that will fit the area you will live in.
#3 Go for Energy-Efficiency
When managing a household can be very expensive, you’ll want to maximise savings as much as possible. Luckily, the design of your kit home can help you cut some of the expenses. When deciding on a kit home model, try to look for energy-saving features. Skylight, glass wall panels, and glass windows for bedrooms & bathrooms will allow natural light during the day. Thus, will help save electricity in the long run. Having a verandah will also help lessen the heat indoors, saving you from using the air conditioner too much.
#4 Incorporate your preferences into the plan
While determining the number of rooms can be enough, taking your preferences into consideration will help you choose a house that suits your needs. Do you want your room to be soundproof? Do you want a kitchen island or a minibar? Or do you want to have a family theatre room? Sharing these preferences will help us assist you with the customisation and recommending add-ons.
#5 Know your budget
Last but not the least is defining your budget. Your budget will help a lot in determining the kit home plan you choose. The nice thing about kit homes is that they are purchased as a package and will not surprise you with additional charges typical when constructing a house. If you know your allotted budget, you can choose a plan and stick to your preferred expenses.
Got more questions about our kit homes? Contact us today!
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