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Kit homes are perfect for fast and convenient house construction projects. Our kit home packages are all inclusive and customiasable based on your wants and needs. The housing frame is prefabricated and can be readily installed on your lot.
Here are seven of the most stunning 4-bedroom kit homes we have in our collection for you to consider:
Ascot MK1
Ascot MK1 is a minimalistic designed 225.6 sqm kit home perfect for families of grown-ups and young adults. The specific features of this unit are beneficial to work professionals.
4 Bedrooms
Living/Dining Room
Family room
Rumpus Room
Water Closet
Linen Storage
Walk-in Closet
Ensuite Bathroom
Laundry Area
Small Verandah
Double Garage

Bathurst is a 2-storey kit home measuring about 312.2 sqm. The first floor’s exterior is clad with decorative bricks, while the upper floor has wood cladding. This mix of texture gives Bathurst a definitive look.
First floor
Dining area
Living/Dining Room
Family room
Study room
Laundry area
Water Closet
Upper floor
4 bedrooms
Ensuite Bathroom
Water Closet
Walk-in Closet
Retreat room

Bradford MK4
The Bradford MK4 is a compact suburban home. This elegant 4-bedroom home has a more traditional layout featuring two living spaces and a dining centralised around the kitchen space. With relatively more compact space than the other options it measures about 177.2 sqm.
Living room
Dining area
Family room
4 Bedrooms
Walk-in Closet
Ensuite Bathroom
Water Closet
Laundry Area
Double Garage

Braidwood is a great kit home design for families living in humid regions of the country. The wide verandah and garage at the very front of the house, provide shade for the indoors and promote airflow to the interior. Braidwood is approximately 228.4 sqm.
Living room
Dining area
Family room
4 Bedrooms
Water Closet
Ensuite Bathroom
Laundry Area
Walk-in Closet
Double Garage

The Bribie is a sophisticated 4-bedroom kit home measuring 267.6 sqm. The façade has two verandahs stretched from either side of the house and joined by a porch in the centre. This feature offers the indoor area maximum shade from harsh sunlight.
Living room
Dining area
Family room
4 Bedrooms
Ensuite Bathroom
Water Closet
Laundry Area
Walk-in Closet
2 Verandahs

If you are looking for a classic Australian house design, our Capri kit home is for you. This 292 sqm 4-bedroom home is designed with horizontal cladding and extended roofing that is very classic in traditional Australian homes.
Living room
Dining area
Family room
4 Bedrooms
Ensuite Bathroom
Laundry Area
Water Closet
Walk-in Closet
Double Garage
2 Verandahs

The Harvard is a 247.6 sqm, 4-bedroom kit home with a very distinct appearance. With its neutral-coloured exterior and wide frontage this property would suite many climates and would provide the perfect space for relaxing and watching the sunset. It’s two sides balance one another, while the vibrant colour of the main door directs your attention to the entry.
Living room
Dining area
Study Room
4 Bedrooms
Ensuite Bathroom
Water Closet
2 Walk-in Closets
Laundry Area

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